The More You Know – Performance Physiotherapy and Medical Assessment Center Mon, 09 Jan 2017 00:33:12 +0000 en-CA hourly 1 WHAT IS A PRP INJECTION? /what-is-a-prp-injection/ Mon, 02 Jan 2017 00:32:38 +0000 /?p=6936 After an injury your body sends proteins in the blood to act as messengers to help regulate the healing. The proteins involved in this process are derived from cells called ‘ platelets’ . When you have an injured area, the platelets are activated and gather at the injury site to release beneficial proteins called “growth factors”.

Platelet Rich Plasma or PRP injection is where a small amount of your own blood is taken, then put through a separation process to create the highest concentration of platelets or growth factors. These growth factors are then injected into your specific injured area to aid and enhance healing.

The entire injection process takes less than 30 minutes. The increased levels of growth factors have the potential to improve signaling and recruitment of cells.  This concentration of platelets (growth factors) can be 5-10 times greater than usual.

Since this injection is using your body’s natural properties, side effects are rare. Some insurance companies cover this procedure. Contact your insurance provider for coverage information on your plan.

Famous athletes such as; Tiger Woods and tennis star Rafael Nadal have received PRP injections for various problems such as sprained knees and chronic tendon injuries. Some athletes have credited PRP with their expedited return to competition.

Ask your clinician if PRP may be a healing option for you.

We can refer you to a Doctor for consultation.

AVOID SLIPS & TRIPS /avoid-slips-trips/ Thu, 01 Dec 2016 17:03:48 +0000 /?p=6933 Winter Safety Tips

As the temperature drops, the number of slips and falls rise. Winter’s wet and icy conditions are dangerous and it’s important to take the right precautions. Slips and falls during the winter months cause hundreds and thousands of injuries each year in Canada. While it is a threat to children, the adults and elderly have a much longer, harder fall – and are more likely to break things. A simple break or muscle sprain can cause a lot of pain and suffering, and for the elderly it can be life threatening. So in order to ward off any time in the hospital or emergency room take note of these slip and fall prevention tips:

  1. Wear the right shoes. We see plenty of broken or sprained ankles from women walking in heels on a warm summer day, so in the winter heels would probably be your worst option. Men are not off the hook here either. Men’s dress shoes typically have flat bottoms with no tread. You might as well be walking on sleds. The right footwear should, and is, your best defense against slipping and falling. Try to find something with rubber bottoms with a good thick tread that will grip the snow and ice better.
  1. Walk like a penguin. When walking on snow and ice take shorter slower steps. You want as much surface area of your feet to be in contact with the ground as possible. If you come across a patch of solid ice, shuffling your feet can be your best option as it will give you the most stability.
  2. Know how to fall. When carrying a briefcase, lunch bag, or your children you are just asking for trouble. If you were to fall this now eliminates one or both arms from helping absorb the impact. Most deaths from falling on ice occur when the person hits their head on the ice. This also means keep your hands out of your pockets and gloves on. While you may injure your arms or shoulders you will protect your head.
  1. Be cautious everywhere. Walk near something you can hold on to like handrails or a fence. Grab sturdy objects when possible… and your friend or child IS NOT a sturdy object. You will likely pull them down with you. When getting out of a car, hold on to the door until you find out just how icy it is. Test the ground before you hop right out.

Even if you follow all these tips and precautions we still cannot guarantee that you won’t have an encounter with the ground sometime this winter. But the better you prepare the less likely you are to slip and fall.

For those of you with balance issues already, your job is harder still. If you have not yet had physiotherapy to help you with your balance issues, or if you’d like a therapist to assess your balance concerns, please call us to book an evaluation.

If you have already taken a hard fall, let one of our Physiotherapists help you recover and get you back on solid ground.

MEN’S HEALTH MONTH /mens-health-month/ Tue, 01 Nov 2016 15:28:52 +0000 /?p=6928 Movember is Men’s Health Month

The state of men’s health is in crisis. Men experience worse longer-term health than women and die on average six years earlier.

  • 1 in 6 men may be diagnosed with prostate cancer, and 1 in 2 men may be diagnosed with some form of cancer by the age of 85.
  • Prostate cancer rates will double in the next 15 years.
  • Testicular cancer rates have already doubled in the last 50 years.
  • Obesity has taken centre stage as a major risk factor for chronic disease and almost 2/3 of Canadians are considered to be overweight or obese.
  • 1 in 8 men experience depression and three quarters of suicides are men.
  • Poor mental health leads to half a million men taking their own life every year. That’s one every minute.

Why is men’s health in such bad shape?

  • Most men do not like to openly discuss their health and how they are feeling.
  • Men can be reluctant to take action when they don’t feel physically or mentally well
  • Men engage in risky activities that threaten their health
  • Stigmas surrounding mental health
  • Men are less likely than women to seek help for health concerns.

5 ways exercise can help men live longer and better.

  • Have a healthier heart . Regular exercise can lower unhealthy cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar levels.
  • Keep your brain sharp. Exercise helps keep blood vessels throughout the body healthy and helps reduce the risk of stroke. Several studies suggest that exercise may also help ward off Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia.
  • Control blood sugar levels. Regular exercise helps to maintain a healthy weight, and boosts sensitivity to insulin, reducing blood sugar levels. One study found that only 2 ½ hours of brisk walking a week cut the risk of diabetes by 30%.
  • Possibly lower cancer risks. Evidence suggests that regular physical activity reduces risk for colon cancer by 24% in men. There is no proof that exercise lowers the risk of developing prostate cancer, but once a man is diagnosed, physical activity can reduce the chances that it will spread.
  • Beat depression . 1 in 8 men can experience depression. Not just a rough patch, or bad mood – but an emotional disturbance that affects overall health. Regular exercise such as walking, weight training, swimming, or any form of exercise moving both arms and legs can help with depression for men.

Pelvic Health for Men

Being a guy with pelvic health problems can be a challenge. And as you age there can be any number of issues that can result in pain and dysfunction.

Although the prostate is often blamed for many male pelvic problems, there can be many other reasons for bladder, bowel and sexual problems. Pelvic floor muscles, connective tissue and lower lumbar nerves can all be potential culprits in male pelvic pain. In addition, joint and muscle problems such as chronic groin strains, un-resolving hip and low back problems can all contribute to chronic pelvic pain.

Although hidden from view, your pelvic floor muscles can be consciously controlled and therefore trained, much like your arm, leg or abdominal muscles. Strengthening your pelvic floor muscles will help you to actively support your bladder and bowel. Like other muscles in your body, your pelvic floor will become stronger with a regular exercise program. This is important for both men and women.

With so many different potential sources of pelvic pain, it’s important to work with a health professional that understands the pelvis. Contact our clinic and we can connect you with a pelvic floor health specialist.

Let’s help the men we know to talk about their health, and take action when needed.



RAKING LEAVES & BACK PAIN /raking-leaves-back-pain/ Sat, 01 Oct 2016 20:43:35 +0000 /?p=6924 raking_leaves_photo_for_website

Fall has arrived! If you’re a homeowner, there is likely some lawn work that you’re trying to get done – and raking leaves usually tops the list. This is a physically demanding activity that involves twisting, reaching, pulling, bending and lifting repetitively and with weight. If these movements are not done properly, and if underused muscles are being overtaxed in a short period of time, it can lead to sore and stiff muscles, painful shoulders and most commonly it can cause injury to the mid and lower back.

Here are some helpful tips :

Stretch before you rake : Warm up with light exercise before heading out to rake. Take about 10 minutes to gently stretch your neck, shoulders, torso, back, wrists and hips prior to raking. (Our physio’s can provide you with some great stretches to help you with this.)

Use your legs :  When you’re bagging the piles of leaves, (which can often be heavy because they are wet) make sure you bend your knees. Keep your back straight and let your legs do the bulk of the work – not your back.

Avoid twisting from the waist : People often plant their feet and over-rotate their spine which can really cause stress and strain to the lower back. Pivot towards your forward foot first, your hips should follow next, then the rest of your body.

Use the right equipment : The rake you use should be the right size for your height and strength. The width of the rake head doesn’t much matter. A light weight, ergonomic rake that has bent or side handles ensures that your elbows are slightly bent and helps with good posture. Light weight plastic leaf rakes are also a good option.

Pace yourself : Section off areas of your yard and complete in stages, especially if it is a large property. Take frequent breaks, and as with any physical activity, drink plenty of water before, during and after lawn work.

If you do experience low back pain or neck pain, our therapists can identify and safely treat your pain, and provide you with strengthening exercise to help your spine and improve your posture.

Contact us to book an appointment.


CONCUSSIONS – THE INVISIBLE INJURY /concussions-the-invisible-injury/ Thu, 01 Sep 2016 14:25:52 +0000 /?p=6917 concussion-small

Concussion is a mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) that can damage brain tissue and change the chemical balance of the brain.
Concussion may cause physical, mental and emotional symptoms and problems, both short term and long term.
Every concussion is considered a serious injury by health care providers.

Causes of concussions

 Car accidents (head impact, or whiplash)
 Work accidents (falls, head trauma)
 Playground accidents (falling from a slide or swing)
 Sport injury to the head or neck
 Any type of fall or direct blow to the head, face or neck
 Violent events (physical abuse which the head is shaken, being too close to an explosion)

Signs & Symptoms of Concussion

 Headache
 Nausea
 Dizziness
 Light Sensitivity
 Confusion
 ‘Black out’
 Ringing in the ears
 Neck Pain
 Fatigue
 Moodiness and anxiety
 Difficulty sleeping
 ‘Foggy mind’
 Poor balance
 Depression
 Slow reaction times
 Slurred speech
 Seizures
 Glassy-eyed stare
 Decreased tolerance of stress
 Difficulty concentrating
 Change in behaviour
 Low blood pressure
 Weight gain
 Difficulty remembering
How is a Concussion Diagnosed?
Concussions are diagnosed through careful testing by health care providers. Physiotherapists will ask many questions to understand all the symptoms being experienced, and perform a number of tests to identify problems caused by the concussion, which may include strength, coordination, balance, sight, smell, hearing and memory tests.

Typical Physiotherapy Treatment Methods
Rest & Recovery: A physiotherapist may limit any kind of activity (physical, sport, recreational, electronic, school) after a concussion, until it is safe to return.
Restore Strength & Endurance: The physical and mental rest after a concussion may result in muscle weakness and decrease in physical endurance. A physiotherapist can design a therapeutic exercise program, and closely monitor symptoms and progress.
Reduce Headaches : A physiotherapist will assess possible causes for headaches, and use specific treatments and exercises to reduce or eliminate them. Treatment for this may include stretches, strength and motion exercises, eye exercises, hands-on techniques, massage and electrical stimulation.
Return to Normal Activity and/or Sport: As symptoms ease and strength and endurance is gained, a physiotherapist will gradually add normal activities back into a daily routine. Working with a physiotherapist will help to avoid overloading the brain and nervous system and increase activity safely. If activity is introduced too quickly, it may interfere with the healing process and symptoms can return.
Some concussion symptoms do not go away in the expected time frame. These symptoms may need further testing and treatment by a team of health care providers, including a physiotherapist.
Post-concussion syndrome is a term applied to symptoms, such as headaches or dizziness that persist for weeks or months after the initial injury.
Second-impact Syndrome is a serious complication that can occur after a first concussion. If a person who has suffered a recent concussion experiences another concussion, permanent brain damage or death can occur. Permanent brain damage can include learning disabilities, personality changes, walking disability, or other brain or nerve disabilities. An example of second-impact syndrome would be a football player who suffers a concussion in a game, keeps playing and is hit again; or a person who suffers a concussion from whiplash in a car accident, and then falls at home and endures another concussion very soon after the initial injury.


HEAVY BACKPACKS CAN AFFECT POSTURE /heavy-backpacks-can-affect-posture/ Mon, 01 Aug 2016 15:46:10 +0000 /?p=6909

Kids backpacks

  • Never carry more than 10% of your body weight
  • Always wear a backpack over both shoulders
  • Pack heavy items closest to your spine

We often associate back pain with growing older, but these days many children and young people are experiencing back pain discomfort too. Often, the cause of the back pain for children is a result of carrying excessive loads to and from school in ill-fitting backpacks.

What happens when you wear a heavy backpack?

The spine is made of 33 bones called vertebrae and between the vertebrae are discs that act as natural shock absorbers. When a heavy backpack, with too much weight is placed on the shoulders of a child it can pull them backwards. To compensate this imbalance, the child may bend forward at the hips or arch the back, which can cause the spine to compress the discs unnaturally.

Too cool for school.

Children are fashion conscious and are vulnerable to peer pressure. They may start carrying their backpacks over one shoulder because they think it looks better and feels easier. But when they do this, they increase the chances of developing lower and upper back pain, and can strain their neck and shoulders. Habitually carrying the pack over one shoulder will make muscles strain to compensate for the uneven weight. Bring your child with you when you purchase the pack to make sure they really like it – and have them try it on in the store to make sure it fits properly!

Injury, pain and strain.

Carrying backpacks that are too heavy, and slinging them over one shoulder can cause muscle strain, muscle spasm, and back pain in the short term and speed the development of back problems later in life if not corrected. An ill-fitted backpack use can also lead to poor posture and rounded shoulders. Back packs that have tight narrow straps that dig into the shoulders can interfere with circulation and nerves.

Choose the right backpack.

  • Lightweight and as small as possible
  • Comfortable fitting
  • 2 wide, adjustable shoulder straps
  • Waist strap
  • Padded back, and several compartments so heavy items can rest against the back.
  • The top of the backpack should not extend above the shoulders when seated the bottom of the backpack should be slightly lower than the waistline

For more information, or to have a physiotherapist assess the fitting of your child’s backpack, please contact our clinic to book an appointment.

REDUCE RUNNING INJURIES /reduce-running-injuries/ Fri, 01 Jul 2016 14:48:46 +0000 /?p=6903 Reduce the Risk of Running Injuries

Runner (shoes)

Now that the warmer weather is here, it’s very appealing to get outside and enjoy the fresh air – and for many people that enjoyment includes running. Running is really a fabulous form of cardiovascular exercise, but unfortunately it can also lend itself to some very common injuries. Here are a few tips to keep you running healthy:

Listen to your body.

If something doesn’t feel right – it probably isn’t. Being aware of your body signs and signals is the first step to being a healthy runner. We all have weaknesses, imbalances and asymmetries in our bodies that with a repetitive activity like running, can sometimes lead to problems. If you’re experiencing pain, stop running for 3 days. After 3 days if you have no pain, then ease your way back into your running program.  If you still have pain after 6 days, it’s time to see your physiotherapist to assess the issue.

Avoid the terrible too’s.

Doing too much, too soon, too fast is the #1 cause of running injuries. You need to give your body time to adapt to faster times and longer distances. Your muscles and joints need time to recover so they can keep up with your performance demands. Don’t rush the process. Stick to your running plan or schedule, and always take 1 complete rest day per week to give your body time to recover and repair. Increase your running goals gradually.


Running is repetitive, and uses the same muscles over and over. Some of these muscles become over active and tight, while others become weakened. Running injuries, especially knee and hip related problems, are often a result of muscle weakness or imbalance. Cross-training and strength exercises for your core and lower body can help with these issues. Mix up your workouts. Go for a bike ride or a swim, and engage some or your different muscle groups.


Stretching is important. Make it a part of your pre and post running routine. Runners tend to be tight in predictable area such as; the hips, the knees, the hamstrings and the calf muscles. Stretching should be relaxing and never painful. Move slowly into your stretches and don’t rush. Hold them for 30 seconds and do not bounce. Ask a physiotherapist for a stretching program that will specifically target the aforementioned areas.

Wear the right shoes.

Your shoes are a very important piece of equipment. Have a foot or shoe specialist analyze your gait and fit you properly. If you start to feel pain while running such as sore arches, shin pains or achy knees – again, listen to your body. It’s time for a new pair of shoes. A good rule of thumb is to change your shoes approximately every 400 miles. Wearing the wrong shoes can lead to many foot problems. If you are experiencing foot issues – custom orthotics may help. Consult with a podiatrist.


KIDS & SPORTS: WHEN TO SEE A PHYSIO /kids-sports-when-to-see-a-physio/ Wed, 01 Jun 2016 12:00:24 +0000 /?p=6894

It’s great to see more kids than ever involved in athletics and organized sports. But research shows us that sport is the main cause of injury in adolescents.
Active growing children will go through normal aches and growing pains. The pain usually only lasts a few days, they are in mild discomfort, and it doesn’t really inhibit their activity. Often rest or a few days off sport will help these cases.
But if children are experiencing the following symptoms…
Visit your physio or MD for diagnosis and treatment.
 Pain that lasts over 4 days
 Increasing sharp pains
 Pain that gets worse with activity
 Pain that stops participation
 Limping or favouring the injury or body part
 Not sleeping well
 Redness or swelling around the area – or talk of numbness
Most common injuries in children are: ankle sprains, wrist sprains or fractures, sore backs from poor posture, scoliosis and knee pain.
Understanding kid’s physical abilities during different stages of their lives is the best way to help support them to stay active and safely develop their athletic abilities. It can also help parent’s understand and detect if their child may have physical restrictions or an injury that needs to be treated by a physiotherapist.
TIP TO REMEMBER: Early treatment results in less time away from sport, and generally less treatment.

What is physical literacy? Physical literacy is when kids have developed the skills and confidence to be active in lots of different sports and physical activities.
These skills are developed through a variety of structured and unstructured activities. The activities will change and adapt as kids grow in age and ability.
 0-3 years: Encourage early movement
 3-5 years: Expand on play, and keep it fun
 5-8 years: Increase the focus on fundamental movement skills
 8-12 years: Introduce more complex skills as kids are ready
LTAD – Long Term Athletic Development
Children, youth and adults need to do the right things at the right time to develop in their sport or activity. Understanding the LTAD stages (Long-Term Athlete Development) can help define the level and skill set your child should display at different stages of their life.
Stage 1 – 0-6 years: Active Start
From ages 0-6 years, children need to take part in unstructured active play that incorporates a variety of body movements. It’s the ABC’s of movement – Agility, Balance, Coordination and Speed.
Stage 2- girls 6-8, boys 6-9 : FUNdamentals
School age children need to participate in a variety of well-structured activities that develop basic skills. Focus is on fun with minimal competition.
Stage 3 – girls 8-11, boys 9-12 : Learn to Train
Children at this age should be ready to begin training and learning general sports skills. Focus is on training and learning skills to a number of activities – not specializing on just one sport.
Stage 4 – girls 11-15, boys 12-16 : Train to Train
At this stage athletes are ready to consolidate their sport specific skills and is a major fitness development stage. You may see special talents emerging, and they do their best in order to win. Focus should still be on training skills with winning the secondary emphasis.
Stage 5 – girls 15-21, boys 16-23: Train to Compete
Athletes enter this stage if they have chosen to specialize in one sport and excel at the highest level of competition possible. This is high-volume, high-intensity training. Nutrition, sport psychology, injury prevention and injury management become very important.
Stage 6 – girls 18+, boys 19+: Train to Win
Stage 7 – any age of participation: Active for Life


SAFE GARDENING FOR YOUR BODY /safe-gardening-for-your-body/ Sun, 01 May 2016 12:00:13 +0000 /?p=6897

Gardening is a great outdoor activity that can be both meditative as well as physically active. Unfortunately, many avoid gardening since it can aggravate the back, hips and knees. Gardening does not have to be an impossible task, simply follow these tips listed, and gardening can be an enjoyable hobby once again.


Preparation is an important part to keeping your body happy and healthy. Make sure to do the following before doing any gardening.

  • Have the Proper Tools Ready:
     Do your body a favor and get tools with longer, adjustable handles. This will allow your body to maintain a more neutral position.
     For heavy lifting, use a wheelbarrow so your muscles are able to do less work.
     For kneeling, get knee pads to lessen the impact on the knee joint.


Create a more manageable garden: think high, think small. Consider a standing garden that is raised high enough so you don’t have to bend at all. Also, having a smaller garden means less weeding and maintenance which can save the wear and tear of the joints.


Now that the preparations have been made, it’s time to start gardening! Please keep these tips in mind the entire time you garden.
Learn and Practice Safe Posture: When gardening it is important to try to stay upright as much as possible. Constant bending can create strain in the lower back and can seriously aggravate the muscles and joints of the back.

Perform Proper Lifting Techniques:
1. Keep a wide base of support
2. Squat down bending at the knees and hips only.
3. Maintain a straight back
4. Keeping the load close to your body, slowly lift by straightening your legs
5. When travelling with a load, be sure to keep your back neutral, not twisting to either side.
Alternate Hands and Feet: Share the work equally with right side and left side. This will allow your body to work longer with less strain.

Take Frequent Breaks: Focus on time, not task. Start with taking a break every 15 minutes for the first few days of gardening, if your joints are not irritated then you can increase the time to every 30 minutes.

Stretching is very important to joint and muscle care. Give yourself about 10-15 minutes to warm up your muscles and relax your joints prior to gardening. It is also imperative to stretch during breaks and after gardening as well.

The following are a few stretches that will help maintain a healthy body.

Stretch your Neck

  • Bring your chin down toward your chest to stretch the back of your neck.
  • Hold the stretch for 20 seconds, then return to the neutral position.
  • Keep your shoulders stable and tilt your right ear toward your right shoulder, looking straight ahead.
  • Hold the stretch for up to 20 seconds, then tilt your left ear to your left shoulder and hold for another 20 seconds.

Stretch your Shoulders

  • Stand upright and cross one arm across your body
  • Using the opposite arm, pull the elbow of the arm being stretched towards the opposite shoulder
  • Hold for between 10 and 30 seconds

Stretch your Wrists….

  • Hold one arm straight out in front.
  • Use the other hand to bend the wrist and point the fingers towards the floor, applying gentle pressure.
  • Hold for between 10 and 30 seconds.

Stretch your Lower Back…

  • Begin to lean backward slowly – It may help to maintain your balance if you bend your knees slightly.
  • Gently bend backward with your hands on your hips. As always, do not bend to the point of feeling pain.
  • Hold this position for ten seconds. You should feel a slight stretch in your lower back and/or the front of your hips.
  • Gently return to standing erect. Repeat these stretches 2-3 more times or as needed.

Stretch your Calfs…

  • Stand about three feet from a wall. Place your hands on the wall
  • Put your right foot behind you ensuring your toes are facing forward.
  • Keep your heel on the ground and lean forward with your right knee straight until you feel the stretch.
  • Hold this for 30 to 60 seconds. Repeat on the other leg.
PLAY BETTER GOLF /play-better-golf/ Fri, 01 Apr 2016 18:25:33 +0000 /?p=6891 PLAY BETTER GOLF


The golf swing is a complex coordinated movement of muscles and joints in our body.

The spine itself is required to rotate to near maximal ranges of motion in two directions as we complete our backswing, downswing and follow through. The modern swing has seen increased emphasis on power (and distance) generated from our torso, creating larger demand on our core, obliques, middle and lower back. As it pertains to golf – spine and abdominal fitness not only improves performance and controlled motion, but decreases the risk of injury as golfers execute the repetitively hazardous action of the swing. A warm-up is also very important as we prepare our muscular engines for several hours of physical activity.
Physiotherapists are frequently involved with numerous clients experiencing stiffness, weakness, and/or pain in their spines, shoulders, elbows, knees and ankles. There are many exercises, manual techniques, and modalities that our therapists use to improve the physical health of these areas of concern. Strength and mobility in these areas is extremely important for a healthy and happy golf season.

2 Exercises to help achieve better function for golf.
We recommend that you contact a physiotherapist before commencement of these exercises to ensure you execute them properly.

#1– Turning Drill
This turning drill helps train the body to use the muscles of the trunk, not the arms.
 Assume the normal set-up position and cross your arms to place hands on opposite shoulders
 Keeping the elbows close to the body, turn to the top of the back swing with your head down. Concentrate on feeling the coil in your trunk
 Hold this position for a few seconds, then uncoil gradually, and move into a balanced follow through position, (arms still crossed), and hold 3 seconds.
 Perform 20 times
Apply this to your game:
As stated from the professionals at FITfor GOLF, “This drill is designed to help you feel the correct turn. It helps maximize trunk rotation while minimizing side bending or tilting of the spine.”

#2 Core Strength Drill
This core strengthening drill helps train the body to use your abdominals, increasing power and stability. (resistance band or tubing req’d)
 Anchor one end of exercise elastic tubing or band to a doorknob or railing
 Assume the normal set-up position holding the elastic in both hands
 Start your backswing, progressing to a maximum of ½ backswing by moving your arms away from your body while you activate your abdominals against the resistance of the elastic.
 Slowly return to the start position.
 The same can be performed for the ½ follow-through with using the resistance from the elastic.
 Perform 10-20 times, for each of the backswing and the follow-through.
Apply this to your game:
As stated from the professionals at FITfor GOLF, “It is important to focus on initiating motion with the abdominal muscles rather than with the legs. Power and stability come from your abdominal muscles.”

Collins, Justin – Licensed Physiotherapist – Arthritis and Sports Medicine Centre – Ancaster ON
FITforGolf; Skills & Drills Manual (
HGCC, Tee Shots June 2015 (
